More than 100 years ago, the rum-runners and bootleggers around Fort Lauderdale created a Gulf Stream of their own- a continuous flow of smuggled spirits procured from the Bahamas and secret stills hidden under Florida swamp foliage. Prohibition, they figured, couldn't keep up with a little clever circumnavigation, and their spirit-fueled missions up the New River transformed the city into "Fort Liquordale."

Today, Gulf Stream Distilling proudly honors these captains of underground commerce with a rock-solid vodka crafted from wheat - our tribute to those who risked it all to keep the party going.


It all started about 8 years ago when Robert, a hospitality industry veteran, met Noah, a yacht chef with a knack for Tequila. They bought a little pot still to try their hand making moonshine in Noah’s backyard.

This quickly evolved into all sorts of craft spirits including vodkas, gins, aged agave spirits, and rums using any unique ingredients Noah had laying around his kitchen. The two attended “Moonshine University” in Louisville, KY together to further their education in the craft spirits business.


The 10-gallon pot still in the backyard has been upgraded to a 125 gallon still in a brand-new facility in the heart of Fort Lauderdale.

Robert and his wife, Lorrie, have deep rooted connections in the Fort Lauderdale restaurant and boating industries, including the 15th St Fisheries and Lauderdale Marina that are excited to showcase our full line of products. Enter Brian Smith, a hospitality expert in a prior life and a near 25 year partnership with the Roschman Family Office. - Today Brian has added Gulf Stream to his list of operations, aspires to take on the big guys and have our hand made, small batch products behind every bar, at your local liquor stores and in your liquor cabinets.

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